Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Silverlight/Windows Phone 7/Mango Video Tutorial: Working with Phone’s Video Feed

Hello All!
In this 13 minute video I show you how to make use of the WP7 Phone’s video feed by using a VideoBrush to Brush the video feed onto a Rectangle and then use a Behavior to make it draggable.
Enjoy!  Victor Gaudioso (twitter: victorgaudioso)

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  • Lindsay 
    Hi Victor! I’m the Community Manager at and I’d like to discuss our Most Valuable Bloggers program with you. It is a free program that promotes quality developer blogs such as this one. E-mail me at lgordon {at} dzone{dot}com if you are interested! I hope to hear from you.
  • Lindsay 
    Hi Victory, my name is Lindsay and I’m the Community Manager at DZone, awebsite that provides articles and information to the wider developmentcommunity. We have a program for excellent bloggers such as yourself called the Most Valuable Blogger (MVB) program, and we’d love to have you join that select group. The sign-up process is free and easy and I can promise you will increase your readership. I also promise that this is not spam! If you are interested please e-mail me at lgordon (at) dzone (dot) com. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Silverilght Windows Phone 7 (Mango) Video Tutorial: PageOrientation

Hello All,
In this video I show you how to:
1. Create an application bar with Menu Items for Portrait, Landscape and PortraitOrLandscape Page Orientations.
2. Create an Event Handler for OnOrientationChanged
3. In the above Event Handler we set the PageOrientation for the page using a Switch statement
4. Add an image and use the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) emulator to change the page orientation and see how the different PageOrientations layout the objects in the Visual Tree
5. Add a TextBlock that is Data Bound to the Supported Page Orientation of the page
Enjoy and look for more WP7 Mango Video Tutorials coming soon!
Victor Gaudioso

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The LASLUG Raffle Chooser App has been Published in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace

Raffle Chooser App in the WP7 Marketplace
Raffle Chooser App in the WP7 Marketplace
Hello All,
If you attended our May 25, 2011 Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG) meeting then you saw Kim S (LASLUG Special Event Coordinator) use the custom built Raffle ChooserWindows Phone 7 Application to choose the Winning Raffle Tickets.
Well, I figured that this could be a handy tool for our other .NET Usergroups such as LA C# Usergroup or even our friends at SoCal Code Camp ran by Woody
Pewitt (@
woodyp on Twitter) as I think they all hold raffles as well. So I published it on theZune Marketplace.  It is under the Social Category and is FREE!
You can Install the Raffle Chooser app directly from here:
If  you would like the source code feel free to email me at victorg at laslug dot com.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG) is TONIGHT! May 25, 2011 7pm PST

Hello All!
Tonight is the LA Silverlight Usergroup Meeting!  You can attend this meeting in-person or, for the very first time, ONLINE via our custom UStream Page:
In order to participate you must go to to register as a member for FREE!
There will be prizes given away but you MUST have a RAFFLE Ticket!  These will be given away at the door when you attend in person but if you are planning on watching ONLINE (Yes, Online Attendees can win prizes too!) you can email and your ticket number will be emailed back to you.  This is WORTH doing because we have OVER $12,000 in PRIZES to give away*
And, our crack staff over here at LASLUG even made a special Windows Phone 7 Application to make choosing the winners, easy, fast and random (application screeenshot shown below).    Our online meetings are brought to you by our great sponsors Infragistics and Reg Gate Software and others such as ComponentOne, Telerik, Apress, WP7 Dev Podcast, O’Reilly, Jeff Levy Show, UXSynergy, Syncfusion, Silverlight Show, Nowcom, Pluarlsight, VIBlend, Safari Books Online, Microsoft and others.

So, if you live within a 100 mile radius of Los Angeles then we hope to see you in-person tonight and if you live outside of a 100 mile radius then we hope to see you Online at (remember to be eligible to win prizes online you must live outside a 100 mile radius of Los Angeles), where you can watch us through multiple camera angles, see speacial video spots and even interact with us via the chat module on the page – Provided by UStream!
Oh, also, try and be there early if you are showing up in person because we have cool SWAG BAGS filled with little goodies (key chains, Flash drives, stress balls, tee-shirts, etc.).  But we fall short of the 45 RSVP’d members and when we run out you are out of LUCK!  So come early!
See you there!  Victor Gaudioso
* Online attendees who win physical prizes such as books are responsible for all shipping costs.
Raffle Choose Application

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG) Mentioned in the Weekly MVP Newsletter

Hello All,
As I do every Friday I opened up my weekly MVP News Letter and there it was, a whole section on the Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG).  Don’t take my word for it…take a look at this screenshot I took of it:
MVP Newsletter Screenshot
LASLUG gets mentioned in the weekly MVP Newsletter

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Presentation, Interview, and Tutorial Examples

  1. Here is a wealth of video cuts from my free two-day
    training session on Silverlight called “Sharing in the Light” in Dallas, Texas:
  1. Here is an interview I gave with Tim Huckaby for
    Bytes on MSDN last year at MIX:
  1. Me interviewed by Murray Gordon at MIX10:
  1. My free video tutorials for Silverlight and
    Windows Phone 7 (WP7) (70 video tutorials in total):
  1. A Silverilght article I wrote for the MSFT
    Expression Newsletter:
  1. I recorded a 10-part series on Silverlight/Blend
    for Microsoft (MSFT) called Starterkits:
    1. ColorSwatch Video #1:
    2. ColorSwatch Video #2:
    3. ColorSwatch Video #3:
    4. ColorSwatch Video #4:
    5. ColorSwatch Video #5:
    6. ColorSwatch Video #6:
    7. ColorSwatch Video #7:
    8. ColorSwatch Video #8:
    9. ColorSwatch Video #9:
    10. ColorSwatch Video #10:
  2. I presented at Riapalooza 3 in Chicago:
  3. A book signing presentation I did at the
    Microsoft Store in Mission Viejo:
  4. Presenting at the SoCalDotNet Usergroup:
  5. Presenting at our second LASLUG meeting:
  6. Presenting at LA C# Usergroup:
    1. Presentation Video |
      1st half:
    2. Presentation Video |
      2nd half:
  7. Presenting at FlashapaloozaStock IV:
Vicror’s Bio:
Victor, a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and Microsoft Solutions Advocate is Silverlight, WPF, Windows 7 Mobile UX Lead for Nowcom where he is helping to build out the UX/UI team as well as an instructor (classroom / video tutorials / written articles), published author (Foundation Blend 2: Building Applications in WPF and Silverlight (2008), Foundation Blend 3 with Silverlight(2009)), and Foundation Blend 4 with Silverlight (2010) and public speaker.
Victor has over 11 years experience in the web and software development industries and has worked with large Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Universal, Warner Bros., Disney, Mattel, and Paramount Pictures. Victor has worked on some of the most cutting edge WPF and Silverlight applications that have been developed to date; including the Microsoft Surface Winebar CES demo Surface Air Hockey with simulated physics, and the Surface EventPhotos applicationwhich both debuted at PDC in 2008.  Victor was also part of the team that launched the Microsoft Silverlight Entertainment Tonight Emmy mini-site, one of the very first Silverlight applications to market.
In his spare time Victor continues to write books under the Friends of ED flagship Foundationseries in hopes of presenting the powerful new Microsoft technologies of WPF and Silverlight to developers and designers around the globe.  Along with development and writing books, Victor reaches out to the community by teaching Silverlight in the way of traditional classroom courses at the Rich Media Institute in Venice, California and Silverlight: Sharing in the Light in Dallas, TX.  Victor produces video tutorials on his personal blog and recently for Microsoft in the form ofExpression Starter Kits.   Victor holds online interactive workshops as well as public speaking engagements (most recently Flashapoolozastock IV in October 2009).  Victor co-founded and runs the first Los Angeles Silverlight user group (LASLUG) with Microsoft.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG) is Growing by Leaps & Bounds!

The Los Angeles Silverlight Usergroup (LASLUG – www.laslug.comhas begun its journey to become the Biggest and Best Silverlight Usergroup on the Planet!
Last month we had three sponsors and gave away roughly $2,500 in prizes not including Swag and Food. This month, and every month hereafter we are giving away OVER $12,000 in prizes because of existing sponsors such as ApressDevExpressUnited Future/Wongdoody and new sponsors such as TelerikInfragisticsComponentOneRed GateVIBlend, the Jeff Levy Show (the Digital Doctor)Safari Books OnlineSyncfusionNowcom, the Windows Phone Dev Podcast, theSilverlight ShowMicrosoft and more coming soon!!
And at our next meeting, Wednesday May 25th (7pm PST), we will be BROADCASTING theMeeting/Show LIVE ONLINE for the Very First Time!  But we are not just pointing a camera and turning it on; we went out and purchased  Thousands of dollars in Equipment and Software and even brought a Director/Producer on board, Peter Genovese, to coordinate the whole thing.  There will be multiple camera angles, special effects, cut away sponsor spotslive chat and the audience is encouraged to participate in chatquestions and are even eligible to WIN their share of the $12k in PRIZES!* This special ONLINE Meeting/Show is brought to you in part by Infragistics andRed Gate software.
So go to and sign up as a member for FREE and you will be sent information about the Onlineas well as In-Person meeting.
* To be eligible to win prizes online you must live outside of a 100 mile radius of Los Angeles.  All shipping costs associated with prizes won online are the responsibility of the prize winner.
Victor Gaudioso
Silverlight/WPF User Experience Developer
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)
Twitter: victorgaudioso

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