Hello All!
I often get asked “What is the Sketchflow Animation panel for?” In this short 5 minute tutorial I show you how to use the Sketchflow Animation panel to create a Sketchflow Animation that will demo how to use your application to users.
Enjoy! Victor
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- Tweets that mention New Silverlight Video Tutorial: Create a Sketchflow Animation using the Sketchflow Animation Panel « Victor Gaudioso's Silverlight Blog -- Topsy.com
February 21st, 2011 on 2:47 am[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by victorgaudioso, liuqing. liuqing said: RT @victorgaudioso: New #SL Video Tutorial: Use Blend's Sketchflow Animation panel to create a Sketchflow animation: http://wp.me/pWN5M-cP [...]Originally posted http://www.windowspresentationfoundation.com/?p=795
February 23rd, 2011 on 8:59 am
April 4th, 2011 on 6:12 pm
April 6th, 2011 on 1:31 pm