Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Silverlight Video Tutorial: Learn how to use Blend to create a Data Store, Add Properties to it, Use the GotoStateAction Condition panel and the SetDataStoreValueAction Behavior to Determine if a Visual State Can Fire

Hello All!
In this 12 minute video I show you how to create a Visual State Group with Visual States, then I show how to add a Condition to the GotoStateAction Behavior by making a Data Store and adding a Boolean Property. I then show how to use the SetDataStoreValueAction to change the value of the new property.  The value of this property determines if the Visual State can fire.
Topics covered:
1. The Visual State Group and Visual States;
2. The GotoStateAction Behavior to fire a Visual State;
3. Creating a Condition for the GotoState Action;
4. Creating a Data Store and adding a Boolean property;
5. DataBinding the value of the new Boolean property to a TextBlock;
6. Changing the value of the new Boolean property using the SetDataStoreValue Action Behavior.
Its a lot to cover in 12 minutes but its pretty simple once you see it done, and I do it all without leaving Blend!
Enjoy! Victor

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