Hello All!
In this 11 minute video I show you how to use the LocalMessageSender and LocalMessageReceiver to send asynchronous message across two UserControls but it will also work with two Silverlight applications on the same HTML or even in two separate browsers (heck even with a OOB app and a browser app)! You can even send XML and use it to send complex object types.
So, buckle up and learn how to use the LocalMessageSender/Receiver to make your Silverlight applications and/or UserControls to communicate!
Enjoy! Victor Gaudioso
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- Tweets that mention New Silverlight Video Tutorial: Send async messages across UserControls or even applications « Victor Gaudioso's Silverlight Blog -- Topsy.com
February 21st, 2011 on 2:03 am[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by victorgaudioso, liuqing. liuqing said: RT @victorgaudioso: New #Silverilght Video Tutorial: Use LocalMessageSender to send msgs acrros UserControls or apps: http://wp.me/pWN5M-cC [...]originally posted at http://www.windowspresentationfoundation.com/?p=782#comments
February 23rd, 2011 on 5:37 pm
Very nicely explained/
Thank You