Hello All!
This weekend (7.23.10) I was invited to speak at RIAPalooza, a one-day conference dedicated to building Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). During my presentation I showed how to build Silverlight applications without writing any code whatsoever. In doing so I introduced and showed off Silverlight Behaviors. I then used the Farseer Physics Engine to build a very simple version of Asteroids complete with simulated physics, a ship that could move and rotate using the arrow keys and a few asteroids that when hit would destroy your ship. I then showed how to build the Slide to Unlock control that is used on many smartphones these days. This was especially cool because I had a touch screen laptop running touch-enabled Windows 7.
After my presentation I then participated in a speaker panel that was addressing questions, topics, etc proposed by the audience. We talked about some very cool subjects including HTML5 vs Plugins.
A very good time was had by all and I look forward to returnining next year for RIAPalooza 4. If you missed this year I suggest you make plans to attend next year as it was an enlightening experience. Also, I suggest you do as I did and stay the entire weekend and visit Chicago as it is a wonderful city. I also suggest that you take in two restaurants, Gibbson’s Steakhouse and then Joe’s Steak and Seafood Stone Crab House. Both had simply amazing food and an atmosphere that was crazy-fun! During the day make sure and checkout the Navy Pier for boat rides, shopping, and a stain glass museum to die for.
Getting back to RIAPalooza, you can view my presentation by clicking the link below:
Video Now Available
I will be posting the Source code for the two sample Silverlight applications I developed on stage in about 3 hours.
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- Tweets that mention Speaking at RIAPalooza in Chicago « Victor Gaudioso's Silverlight Blog -- Topsy.com
July 27th, 2010 on 12:24 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by victorgaudioso, Ryan Alford. Ryan Alford said: RT @victorgaudioso Watch the intro video of my presentation at RIAPalooza here:http://tinyurl.com/24edp2m Let me konw what you think! [...]
August 6th, 2010 on 7:42 pm
September 25th, 2010 on 9:39 pm